There are many resources in the massage industry to get information about massage. You can find helpful information, but you can also find considerable variation with the quality of the information between resources and within resources. When reading articles, always keep in mind the difference between anecdotal versus evidence-based information and the perspective of the source (i.e., are they trying to sell you massage?). Below we'll try to guide you through the process.
Body Sense Magazine
Body Sense Magazine is a coffee table magazine for massage therapists. It's intended to inform and educate the consumer about massage and massage-related things. There are informational articles in the magazine, but keep in mind that the magazine's goal is to ultimately promote massage.
Body Sense--Summer 2017 "3 Ways to Become Your Massage Therapist's Favorite Client"
Body Sense--Spring 2017 "Aromatherapy: The Perfect Compliment to Massage"
Body Sense--Winter 2016 "Discover the Many Types of Massage and Bodywork"
Body Sense--Autumn 2016 "Carry for Our Elders Through Bodywork"
Body Sense--Summer 2016 "Massage is Healing"
Body Sense--Spring 2016 "Movement Therapy"
Body Sense--Winter 2015 "A Breath of Fresh Air: Conscious Breathing During Your Bodywork Session"
Body Sense--Autumn 2015 "Changing Seasons of Bodywork"
Body Sense--Summer 2015 "3 Secrets to Getting a Better Massage"
Body Sense Magazine is a coffee table magazine for massage therapists. It's intended to inform and educate the consumer about massage and massage-related things. There are informational articles in the magazine, but keep in mind that the magazine's goal is to ultimately promote massage.
Body Sense--Summer 2017 "3 Ways to Become Your Massage Therapist's Favorite Client"
Body Sense--Spring 2017 "Aromatherapy: The Perfect Compliment to Massage"
Body Sense--Winter 2016 "Discover the Many Types of Massage and Bodywork"
Body Sense--Autumn 2016 "Carry for Our Elders Through Bodywork"
Body Sense--Summer 2016 "Massage is Healing"
Body Sense--Spring 2016 "Movement Therapy"
Body Sense--Winter 2015 "A Breath of Fresh Air: Conscious Breathing During Your Bodywork Session"
Body Sense--Autumn 2015 "Changing Seasons of Bodywork"
Body Sense--Summer 2015 "3 Secrets to Getting a Better Massage"
ABMP (Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals)
This is a professional organization for massage therapists. They produce a magazine called the Massage and Body Worker Magazine. You can access the magazine for free. You just need to sign up. You can do that here.
This magazine will provide you with new (and old) information circulating around massage world. You might find relevant information regarding massage as it relates to a particular condition, e.g., arthritis. Make sure to keep the evidence-based lens on. Article quality varies within this magazine.
On their website they have a page for the public. On this page you can search for a (ABMP) massage therapist near you and access some of the other information we just went over.
Lastly, here's a link to another website that they have. Here there are very basic, generic massage articles. It's probably not worth your time.
This is a professional organization for massage therapists. They produce a magazine called the Massage and Body Worker Magazine. You can access the magazine for free. You just need to sign up. You can do that here.
This magazine will provide you with new (and old) information circulating around massage world. You might find relevant information regarding massage as it relates to a particular condition, e.g., arthritis. Make sure to keep the evidence-based lens on. Article quality varies within this magazine.
On their website they have a page for the public. On this page you can search for a (ABMP) massage therapist near you and access some of the other information we just went over.
Lastly, here's a link to another website that they have. Here there are very basic, generic massage articles. It's probably not worth your time.
AMTA (American Massage Therapy Association)
This is another professional organization for massage therapists. Like the AMBP, they also have a magazine. Their magazine is called Massage Therapy Journal. You can access it here.
AMTA articles tend to be more about massage techniques. If you're investigating a particular type of massage, you might get some more insight into theory and application here.
On their website is a tab called Research. Here you'll find massage research grouped into categories. Though potentially helpful and provocative, keep in mind that like the ABMP, the AMTA is in the business of promoting massage (no matter how objective they try to be).
This is another professional organization for massage therapists. Like the AMBP, they also have a magazine. Their magazine is called Massage Therapy Journal. You can access it here.
AMTA articles tend to be more about massage techniques. If you're investigating a particular type of massage, you might get some more insight into theory and application here.
On their website is a tab called Research. Here you'll find massage research grouped into categories. Though potentially helpful and provocative, keep in mind that like the ABMP, the AMTA is in the business of promoting massage (no matter how objective they try to be).
We'll continue to update this page with more resources. If you have a massage question that you'd like us to weigh in on, please contact us anytime.
To your health,
Lisa and Mark
PressurePerfect Massage
To your health,
Lisa and Mark
PressurePerfect Massage